No One Would Debate RFK, Jr. Until…

No One Would Debate RFK, Jr. Until…

I was invited to speak at an adult Sunday school class last year. The topic? Raw Milk, Is it Safe and Nutritious? I was instructed, however, not to talk about anything “controversial.” I asked what that might include and was told only one thing, “Vaccines.” Boy, was that prophetic. Today this is THE most controversial topic, bar none, according to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a prominent advocate for vaccine safety ( So I promised not to bring up the subject but added, “If someone ELSE does, I will address it.” No one did.

RFK Photo

No one would debate RFK, Jr. until…

Despite this dance around the “controversial” subject, I still raised the ire of a few who felt I spent too much time talking about our amazing immune system and how it can deal with pathogens, bacteria, even viruses, with a proper diet and lifestyle. Guess I didn’t talk enough about drugs. Most were quite enthusiastic, however, and even enjoyed sampling the grass-fed, raw milk that I served afterwards.

As you know, we are in the midst of a pandemic due to a virus called COVID-19. This has taken over one million lives, millions of jobs, and billions of socially close relationships while simultaneously putting the world into economic chaos. In such dire circumstances, valid questions arise like, “Where did this come from?”, “Where is it going?”, and “What is the cure?”. Those at the top say, “We don’t know where it came from.” “We don’t know where it’s going.” And “We don’t have a cure until we get a vaccine.”

Hmmm. When these kinds of answers are coming from those who are supposed to know, it can motivate us to look for our own. I think this is wise and encourage it wholeheartedly, especially through books and online research. Be patient though. After Googling “Vaccine Safety,” you’ll probably have to go to the 20th site before finding anything that says that vaccines are not completely safe. And if you Google “Vaccine Efficacy,” you’ll probably have to go to the 73rd site to find anything that questions just how effective vaccines are. But I promise, it’s worth it.

Okay, let’s save some time and just jump to (National Vaccine Information Center). This organization, dedicated to Vaccine INFORMATION, not elimination, was founded by Barbara Loe Fisher, a mother with a child permanently damaged by a DPT vaccine. Stopping that from happening again to anyone else became her life goal, and she’s doing a good job, in my opinion.

In the state of California, however, much work needs to be done. Our state legislature is so drug focused it actually passed a law that forbids ANY child from getting a public or private education unless he or she is fully vaccinated. The only exception to this is a “medical” reason. After this law passed, the number of medical exemptions tripled in California, so the legislature passed another law that forbids any doctor from issuing more than 5 medical exemptions per year. If more are written, the doctor is brought up for review by a state regulatory agency. And now the only legitimate exemptions given are for things like being on chemotherapy or having an immune disorder. Even having had a previous severe reaction to a vaccine is no longer considered a valid exemption unless parents can prove that their child is allergic to one of the vaccine ingredients.

When the only cure that is offered for a disease is an intermuscular injection of a mix of chemicals that has never existed before, developed by people who do not know how or why a disease originated, it gives us pause. It should. Even IF these companies were to find the perfect combination of immunoglobulins, adjuvants, and chemicals, what does that buy you? A negative COVID test and supposed (temporary) immunity to a disease from which most people recover symptom free. Yes, many people, especially those with pre-existing health conditions, have become very ill and even died, but with a vaccine, you add the possibility of a serious adverse reaction. This has already occurred in one of the COVID vaccine trials, which brought it to an immediate halt.

Even if there were a perfect vaccine that cured COVID-19, and it were safe, and everyone in the world got it, what do we do when “COVID-20” appears? This new and perfect vaccine is suddenly useless to protect us from a new disease. I believe the answer to this problem is found in building up our own immune systems through healthier foods and lifestyles.

To that end New Siloam Ministries exists and serves wherever it can, online in our recently upgraded website,, but also in person or on Zoom. Could your church, club, Bible study, or young moms group use a guest speaker? One prepared give a Power Point presentation on how to build a strong “temple” in which God’s Spirit can dwell, a temple equipped to fight sickness and disease? If so please, reach out soon and let’s talk. I can Zoom or, circumstances permitting, come to your location, bearing raw milk samples, gloves, a mask, and anything else required, to share with you some good news, though it might be a bit “controversial.”

Wishing you Christ’s best in these unprecedented times.




P.S. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has tried to debate any doctor or scientist on the subject of vaccine safety and efficacy for 15 years and gotten no takers. He finally got a Harvard law professor, Alan Gershowitz, to debate him, which is a fascinating view because it’s obvious that Kennedy has already convinced Gershowitz beforehand of the validity of most of his points. Go to and enter “Debate” into the search bar to watch it.

2021-05-11T10:27:42-07:000 Comments

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