About Us

About Us2020-07-22T10:06:39-07:00

New Siloam Ministries grew out of a previous ministry called Our Little Market, a private food club that operated for ten years on the campus of a Christian university in Southern California. It provided quality health foods for people trying to get and stay well. As a result, some of these articles and Plog Posts mention events that happened during that season and are no longer current. All of the principles of healing are quite current, however, and relevant to any day or age. While we believe that Ancient Foods DO lead to Modern Healing, we also believe that all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit still operate today and prayer for supernatural healing is another means God uses to bring wholeness to individuals.

Steve Plog, founder of New Siloam Ministries, is an ordained minister with American Evangelistic Association and has a Masters of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary. Steve is an expert in nutrition when “expert” is understood to mean someone who’s made all the mistakes one can possibly make in a narrowly defined field, and, hopefully, learned from them. He and his wife, Lisa, live in Southern California

Steve and Lisa Plog