“Vaxxed” Still Too Controversial

“Vaxxed” Still Too Controversial

On the same day, the LA Times had TWO articles about a new movie called VAXXED, one saying that it would be IN the Tribeca Film Festival, the other saying it was OUT. Apparently the copy editors did not talk late that night when the paper was “put to bed”. A late tip came in that the film HAD been pulled.

Why would you pull a documentary film from a festival that’s known for believing that no genre is “out of bounds”? Perhaps you’d have to ask Robert De Niro, who both cofounded the festival and who entered this movie for its 2016 run. He also happens to have an autistic son. He was later forced to pull it when faced with such backlash that the entire event was put at risk. It must be some kind of film to cause that kind of stir, eh?

Put simply, the film shows how CDC scientists have covered up (and even destroyed) research revealing a definite link between autism and the MMR vaccine.

A similar scenario developed for another documentary on vaccines called “The Greater Good”. It also showed a link between vaccines and damaged children. The film was entered in the Dallas International Film Festival and WAS allowed to screen. Its producer was told privately, however, that though it was the best film in its class, it would NOT be given an award because it was “too controversial”. What’s so “controversial” about letting people tell their stories of how their children were damaged immediately after a vaccine? You can view this film online and decide for yourself:


In the meantime, try to catch VAXXED at a theater near you and decide if it
really IS a film no one should see. In Mr. De Niro’s words, “we believe it is critical that all of the issues surrounding the causes of autism be openly discussed and examined.” http://vaxxedthemovie.com

We agree with him, and we were actually able to meet the director of VAXXED, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, to solidify these convictions. It’s clear we have a BIG problem, and few want to discuss it. Do you? If so, please call or email us as soon as you see either of these movies, and let’s talk.

Yours in Christ,

2020-10-06T14:23:45-07:000 Comments

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