Vaccine Damaged Child Still Alive

Vaccine Damaged Child Still Alive

Four months ago I wrote an article about the movie VAXXED for the June Plog Post. After that issue, we received more negative feedback than we’ve EVER received. The vaccine debate seems to stir deep feelings. While it is not our intent to stir controversy for the sake of controversy, we do feel that lives are at stake, so please allow us to visit this subject one more time.

Pamela Hoffman, a mother who comes to Our Little Market, saw this movie at our home last month and then sent me this email.


Please continue to tell people about VAXXED, no matter how skeptical they may be.  At the very least, this information could be used to minimize the risk of vaccine injury, if one chooses to proceed with vaccinations.  Basic information such as the age of exposure, number of vaccines given at one time, antibiotic exposure, illness, nutrition, etc., all affect the chances of your child having a reaction. 

As a pediatric physical therapist, I have worked with dozens of children affected by vaccines since the 1990’s.  The signs existed before my children were born, and I swore I would be very careful.  Unfortunately, even in the best of circumstances, the risk is still there and devastating.  I should know: my oldest daughter, Lauren, suffered a terrible reaction to the MMR vaccine, and I did everything “right”.  I waited until she was three, I did not allow any other vaccines to be given simultaneously, she was healthy and free of any illness, she was breastfed, given good nutrition, never had antibiotics. God only knows where she’d be if I’d allowed the MMR earlier, according to CDC protocol. 

She is now 15 and still suffering from terrible neurological and immunological symptoms and infections. This has been going on for TWELVE YEARS! I am very grateful that my younger three have been spared from vaccines since this experience. 

I truly fear for the future of our country.  Vaccine injuries ARE causing autism and other neurological damage in one out of every 45 children now, and by the year 2032, it’s estimated that one out of every two children will be autistic, with 80% of them being boys.  This is what VAXXED brings out: the data has been hidden/destroyed by the CDC which points to the MMR shot as being extremely dangerous.  Most doctors are completely unaware and wholly trusting of the CDC and the AMA.  Please encourage people to do their own research, make wise decisions, and see this movie.

Pamela Hoffman
Pediatric Physical Therapist, MPT

Finally, while visiting this month with Lisa’s mom’s former caregiver, Olga, she became very interested in seeing the movie VAXXED and told us why.

My husband’s brother immigrated to this country and brought his daughter with him from El Salvador. She was 6 ½ and had been fully vaccinated in their homeland.

When she arrived to enroll in the first grade, however, she did not have her vaccination record from El Salvador. They made my perfectly healthy niece get all of her vaccinations again, at one visit. That was a Friday. By Sunday she had lost all appetite and by Monday morning she was vomiting at school . The principal sent her home since she probably had ‘the flu’. That evening she died.

Again, we hope this “controversial” topic and the feelings it stirs will not keep you from looking objectively at this vital topic. Please DO see the movie, VAXXED. It’s available on Netflix now or can be streamed for $3.99 at or It’s hard to watch but very necessary, in our humble opinion.

Yours in Christ,

NOTE:  The Greater Good and Vaxxed are no longer available on Netflix or Amazon respectively; just too “controversial”. 

2021-04-17T13:24:50-07:001 Comment

One Comment

  1. Jill Davis May 11, 2021 at 6:43 pm - Reply

    Bless the Plogs…Jill Davsi…..

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