Chrone’s Disease Healed

Chrone’s Disease Healed

The coach of a local college’s girls basketball team lost her husband in the middle of the season, but the team went on to take the championship despite the tragedy. It was a front page LA Times article and supposed to be inspiring, and it was, but buried in the copy was the reason for the husband’s death; that was what shocked me. The husband developed a deadly embolism due to “successful colon surgery”. Not exactly what I would call “success.”

And the reason for his surgery? The man had Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel condition for which modern medicine has no cure, only drugs and, as a last ditch effort, surgery. Even these extreme measures only reduce the excruciating pain people suffer. And it seems to be a growing problem. I often see newspaper ads inviting people to join clinical drug trials to help find a treatment for Crohn’s.

Now I don’t know all of the causes of the disease, but I do know of three people who have been totally cured of it, and all of them used RAW milk. (You saw that coming, didn’t you?)

The most well known of these is Max Kane. His unabashed “lactavism” has even taken him to the Director of Plant and Dairy Safety at the FDA. This head of health safety for our country has gone on record as stating raw milk is “inherently dangerous,” that no one should ever drink it under any circumstances. (I wonder if all the breastfeeding mothers today know this; their babies get lots of raw milk.) To find out why this kind of fear is totally unnecessary, go to


Cured of Crohn’s, Max Kane cannot stop speaking about raw milk.

After he got well, Max Kane biked across the U.S. drinking nothing but raw milk. He formed a food club similar to ours so that other people in his state could get raw milk and could possibly get well from their conditions. Unfortunately, he’s in Wisconsin, which has perhaps the most restrictive laws on raw dairy in the country. Local authorities do not like his club and have tried to shut it down and even threatened him with jail. He seems quite immune to this attack, however, and can even be found with a megaphone trying to “rally the troops” to make people aware that the freedom to choose raw milk can make the difference between life or death.

Another man healed of Crohn’s was originally from Africa and grew up on raw milk in his country, even drinking it directly from the cow’s udder. When he was awarded a scholarship to study in the U.S., he took it and came imagining our country as a “land flowing with milk, ” as much as he wanted. One problem: 99% of the milk in this nation is pasteurized. Before long he had full blown Crohn’s disease and was offered the standard fare: drugs and surgery. He opted for raw milk and got well.

The final story is from a young woman, Jennifer Hawley, who comes to Our Little Market. After experiencing excruciating pain for over a year, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and told she’d need to take five different medications (which would need weekly monitoring to make sure her liver and pancreas weren’t being damaged) for the rest of her life. Realizing that modern medicine did not have answers, she did her own research and started a grain-free, bone broth rich, fermented food diet with lots of raw dairy. She has been pain free for four years now with no drugs or surgery. As Jennifer puts it, “I truly believe in the healing power of real food!”

Back to our basketball coach’s husband. I don’t know, but I would not be surprised if many of the Christians who attended this man’s funeral (it was a Christian college) said things like, “It’s hard to understand the will of God.” And while I would agree that His will IS difficult to comprehend at times, I would also assert that a lot of people are dying of conditions today that God can and wants to heal; it’s mainly ignorance that prevents it.

We have a chance to make a difference in our lives and the lives of our loved ones if we’re open to all the ways God heals today. If you live in California, you’re blessed. Consider going to and entering your zip code to find a store near you that carries these phenomenally healthy dairy products. If you live outside of California, consider (again) going to and click on the “real milk finder” at the top. You’ll see a list of all 50 states and where you can find raw milk in each of them.

Psalm 103 says, “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, bless the Lord and forget none of His benefits, Who pardons all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases.” What an incredible God we have, who cares about our spiritual and our physical needs.

Again we thank you for your continued support in prayer and finances to help this important work go forward. Please forgive my tardiness in getting this Post to you. Closing Lisa’s mother’s estate, selling her home and moving into a new one has taken a toll. I hope to be much more punctual from now on.

Yours in Christ,

2020-07-08T11:21:56-07:000 Comments

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