Ear Cancer Healed

Ear Cancer Healed

Being a medical doctor, Rosann Volmert, D.O. did not like coming down with a disease, especially cancer. And, especially after having worked so hard at improving her diet for a year and a half prior. But that is exactly what happened, and it was embarrassing to see patients and have them ask why she had a bizarre lump growing out of her left ear.


Dr. Volmert’s Healed Left Ear

It started very small, but kept growing. In less than two months, it was so big that she could not get a Q-tip in her ear much less a stethoscope. Even her hearing was affected. When she finally had it biopsied, the dermatologist said that it was Squamous Cell Carcinoma, a skin cancer that can be deadly. The recommendation? Immediate surgery to remove the lump and part of her ear.

Dr. Volmert’s response? “I think my body is just dumping some pretty nasty stuff because of the healthy diet I’m on. I’m going to monitor it for a while.”

And nasty it was. The lump eventually began to ooze and drain and give off a foul order.

Her patients noticed the offensive smell and commented. Finally, when her body was finished, the lump became dry and crusty and was easily pulled off with her fingers. No scar remained. Then her patients asked, “What happened to that lump?”

Cancerous Lump on Dr. Volmert's Ear

Cancerous Lump on Dr. Volmert’s Ear

Dr. Volmert’s story is not unique; something similar happened to me twice already, though my lumps were never diagnosed and were probably not cancerous (more on that in the future). These stories illustrate the amazing way God has designed our “temples” to heal themselves if they’re given what they need (nutrition) and allowed to remove what they don’t (toxins).

Dr. Volmert and I believe that there IS a place for drugs and surgery, but it should be the LAST place, not the first. The main exception to this would be acute conditions – trauma care and ER type medicine.

Apart from that, operations and meds usually weaken the body and make it more toxic, not less.

So apart from Jesus’ supernatural touch, it seems God’s main path toward healing today is to eat whole, organic foods (preferably raw or close to it) and to allow the body to detox (saunas and hot baths can help here). Even without the latter, Dr. Volmert saw the tremendous power of her own body’s defense against disease. This willingness to work with her body and not against it, allowed her to become a cancer CONQUEROR, not just a “survivor.”

We need more “conquerors” today. Want to join the club? You can! Cancer is the second leading cause of death in this country, so it’s pretty important.

Go to www.westonaprice.org, where Dr. Volmert went, to begin the journey.

God bless you. We thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support. We could not do this without you. Dr. Volmert is a big fan of Our Little Market and sends her patients here to help them get well. What a joy to be a part of His healing work.

Yours in Christ,



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