Arthritis Stopped!

Arthritis Stopped!

For too many people, arthritis is a daily ordeal of pain and suffering. It prevents them from doing the simplest things: opening a jar, picking up a pitcher, even tying a shoelace. Modern medicine seems to offer little help other than pain pills, which can be quite risky. I saw an ad last week for Celebrex, a very popular arthritic drug, and was shocked to learn that one of its side effects is death. Taking a drug that could kill you for some temporary pain relief seems extreme, but perhaps this shows how desperate patients are to get relief.

When I see people suffering from the debilitating pain of arthritis, my first thought is, “What would Jesus do?” Certainly He would at least have compassion on the person. Certainly He would want to relieve that pain. Certainly He (Who formed their bones in their mother’s womb) would have the power and desire to heal them and restore them to full, unhindered movement.

Yet so few people seem to get the healing that we’d expect Jesus to give. I realize that there are those who are healed by prayers of faith, and I believe in those prayers. But it seems that today Jesus is healing in another way, too. That other way involves correcting people’s lifestyles and diet.

Arthritis stopped!

Arthritis stopped!

One such person who’s experienced this is Joon Park. He and his wife became a part of Our Little Market near the beginning, almost eight years ago. Joon had progressive rheumatoid arthritis in his hands, a genetic condition that his younger sister has. He was also developing degenerative arthritis in his knees. Both kinds of arthritis were affecting his ability to do what he loved to do, play the guitar and play tennis.

While Joon tried different things at different times, the main change that brought him relief was drinking raw milk (saw that coming, didn’t you?). The progress of his rheumatoid arthritis has stopped (and may eventually reverse), and he gratefully continues to play the guitar unhindered. His sister’s arthritis continues to worsen, however. And the degenerative arthritis in his knees has been completely healed. Tennis is something he both does and plans to do for a long time now. You’ll find him on the courts at least three times a week playing for hours each time without pain killers.

While Joon knows that raw milk was the key for him, he also acknowledges that Jesus is His healer; God just used the change in his diet/lifestyle to bring it about.*

As you may remember from our last post, Our Little Market (now becoming part of New Siloam Ministries) is positioned to help many like Joon experience the healing benefits of whole, organic, and raw foods. And we want to help you, too. Please go to, if you haven’t, to find a source near you or to answer questions you may have about the safety of raw milk.

For this new ministry to grow, it needs a new platform, something that’s bigger than just a market. To that end we’ve launched New Siloam Ministries, a ministry that will continue what Our Little Market began but on a larger scale. Its primary presence will be this website which will carry information, testimonies, recipes, links, a blog, etc. to help spread the word that Jesus STILL heals today. As you can see, it’s still under construction, sorry.

For those of you who pray for us, please keep praying for our continued impact on those who need Jesus and His healing. For those of you who give to us, please keep giving for our continued impact as well.

If you are a financial donor, could you now put “New Siloam Ministries” on the memo line of your check or ACH/Credit Card transfer instead of “Our Little Market?” Either will come to us as support for now, even into next year, but this is the new banner under which we feel we should operate. Our purpose and vision have not changed, just the scope. Our Little Market will continue as a local and growing outreach. (We’re scheduled to have another “Faith n’ Food Forum” on healing low back pain taught by one of the market members.)

Speaking of donations, if you are in a position of being able to give a special “end of the year” gift to this ministry, it would be most helpful at this time. We do not receive a salary from Our Little Market. All of its profits go right back into the store, and there are no paid employees. Checks can be made out to “Joy to the World Foundation” (our nonprofit covering) with “New Siloam Ministries” in the memo line. The mailing address in on our Donate page.

Again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do to keep this ministry going. May God bless you many times in return.

Yours in Christ,

2020-07-20T10:19:35-07:000 Comments

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