“Unlocking the Mystery of Life” Movie Review

“Unlocking the Mystery of Life” Movie Review

by OLM Member

Since the beginning of time, mankind has wondered, “Where did we come from?” And, “How did we get here?” “Unlocking the Mystery of Life is a fascinating, scientific presentation that attempts to answer these questions and more.

What is evolution? How did Charles Darwin come up with his theory of natural selection?  Why do scientific communities continue to support and propose theories of evolution when new scientific evidence suggests other possible explanations for life’s origins?  Since this is a review, I encourage you to watch this movie to find out these answers for yourself.  This DVD is packed with scientific data and interviews with experts from various fields of the scientific and philosophic community.

Topics such as bacterial flagellum, the ACTG in DNA, Irreducible Complexity and Design Inference (to name a few), are ALL explored as a means of digging deeper into the origins of life. And yet all of this is done in an easy to understand manner. Even some elementary age children would enjoy this documentary as it is so full of beautiful nature photography and an amazing score.

Unlocking the Mystery of Life presents more than one compelling argument about life’s origins and will leave you appreciating and wondering more about life’s humble beginnings. Hopefully this will spark your interest to delve deeper into this subject and to watch the movie.

2020-07-22T10:59:54-07:000 Comments

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